If you’re like me and own enough makeup to open your own Boots store, you’ll find that organising it is harder than getting the wings of your eyeliner even. I thought I’d put together a little blog post on how I keep my makeup organised, and some little tips and tricks on how to store it.
Throw Out Any Old Makeup
Before you get started organising anything, make sure that anything that’s old or out of date is thrown away. It’s much easier to organise when you only keep things you’re actually going to use. Unless it’s sentimental, let it go…
Invest in a Set Of Drawers
I have the Ikea Alex drawers and they’re so great for makeup organisation! The shallow but not too shallow drawers make it so that you can see everything you own. I have the 9 unit drawers and it fits everything nicely!
Buy Drawer Organisers
This one may seem a little obvious, but buying lots of different acrylic storage boxes to fit inside your drawers and keep everything separated really does help. Ensuring every product has space and somewhere to live, really makes it easier when you’re putting on your makeup. I hate it when you’re in a rush and you can’t find something! I love these InterDesign ones, I have quite a few in different sizes and they fit really well. They look really sleek and it means you can see where all of your products are too. I watch a few YouTubers who have so much makeup from PR companies that they either decide to go weekly giveaways on their social media platforms or they have resorted to look into companies such as keepsafe storage, to rent out a storage unit. As social media influencers get post pretty much everyday, it is not surprising that they need more space, other than their bedroom. If you don’t have the money right now to rent a storage unit out just yet, acrylic storage boxes will have to do for now. But if you do one day reach the stage where you have no space left for anymore makeup, at least you know storage units could help solve this problem.
Palette Organisation
I really recommend THESE ONES from Amazon, they’re super easy to use and store everything really well. If I just throw them in a drawer I’ll end up using the same palette over and over, forgetting about other ones I love!
Makeup Brush Holders
I use these Amazon plant pots to hold my makeup brushes, they’re great and really cost effective! It’s also really easy to DIY your own jars to store your makeup brushes too, there are so many tutorials on YouTube! I also love this Acrylic storage from Interdesign and this Rose Gold Makeup Brush Storage.
Making Sure Everything Is Neatly Away
One thing that I struggled with on makeup organisation is making sure my tools were away. We all use cotton pads and q-tips, but we want to make sure they’re out of sight or neatly away. They need to be enclosed too as if they gather dust we’re just going to be smearing that on our face and that’s really not very helpful to our skin! This one from Amazon is on my wishlist and you get cotton swabs with it!
I think one day I’ll outgrow my storage and end up having to get a Shurgard Self Storage unit for my stuff ha. Honestly, one day I’ll do a makeup collection video and you’ll see how much I actually have! I feel another clear out coming soon… I should really start looking into hollowaystoragesydney.com.au so I’m prepared! I took the Virtual Tour on their website and I can really imagine myself turning one of those into the coolest makeup rooms.
Do you have any storage ideas for your makeup that I’ve missed off?
*This is a collaborative post*